Tall Guy Clothing - The Birth of an Idea

Founder of Heights standing in store with ill-fitting shirt on

This Shirt Fits Great...said no tall guy EVER!

Let’s be real here, unless you’re a multi-millionaire, some sort of NBA player or other professional athlete, you’re forced to slum it up at the mall like the rest of us. Living a life of a tall person has a plethora of benefits.
However, there are inconveniences that make you realize we live in a world of not so tall people.

The Problem for Tall Guys

Over the past 20 years, I have heard the same pain points from tall guys all over the country and world when it comes to style, fashion, and clothing. There are zero off the rack options for tall guys. Who in their teens or twenties really find pleated khakis all that stylish and appealing? Anybody? Anybody? Didn’t think so.
As a guy who is vain (so what, don’t judge me), I like style. As I grew into my career and began making money, I discovered the power of confidence through a piece of clothing that ACTUALLY fits my body the right way. I know you’ve heard of this mere confidence boost from an article of clothing. Ask any woman who has found those perfect shoes or that dress that hugs her curves just right. The supreme feeling you get when you know you look good, it can elevate you to a whole new level. Superficial? Maybe. But True.
For the tall guy, finding that perfect piece of clothing takes extra steps and costs that quickly add up. You buy an item off the rack (usually a couple sizes too wide), take it to a tailor, hope there is enough fabric to recreate the shirt/jacket/pants, go back and forth a couple weeks, and find you aren’t terribly pleased with the outcome, settling for a not so great fit. Often times spending upwards of $150+ for a button up shirt! Seems crazy right?

The Birth of an Idea

For me it all came to a head in 2015. As usual, I Heights-apparel-logowas browsing the stores in search of that item that caught my eye and as is typical I found something I LOVED but of course it didn’t fit in the right areas. Sleeves too short, body too wide, length not right etc, etc. With the emergence of the eCommerce world, I realized that I should start my own label and design the fit of the clothing for other tall guys.
That’s where it started. A mere thought. A problem to be solved that, at first, I didn’t realize of which I was so passionate. Over the past two and half years, I have been researching the viability of this business idea, sending out surveys for market research (thank you for all of you that have contributed), approaching random tall guys I see out in public (super creepy and weird--not common for me to do), and observing (sometimes judging--sorry but not sorry) the style choices of many tall guys in public.
All signs have pointed to making this a reality. There is a need out there for a lifestyle label specifically designed for the tall guy body. We’re not Big & Tall...we are regular to slim guys that happen to be tall and we need a label that is going to craft apparel that can fit those needs. Heights is here to provide that to the over 2 million males that are 6’3’’ and taller.

More than Just Providing Clothing Options

The goal here is to not only provide options, but to help guys improve how they present themselves to the world! It actually makes a difference in how you feel personally but also how others perceive you. We are designing clothes that reflect the eclectic tastes of our generation, and seek to empower you to #MAKEITHAPPEN in whatever your life pursuits happen to be.
We are focused on crafting the best shirts for tall guys. So why don’t you join Heights for the ride? Follow us, and stay tuned for more.


  • Hi Rob,

    Thanks for checking out Heights. Yeah you’re seeing that correct. We’re just getting things rolling and working on a more rounded collection for this Fall/Winter. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement, it definitely gets me fired up to keep pushing and build this small business.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts on types of styles you’re looking for. Do you mind if I shoot you an email with a couple questions?

    -Scott, Heights Apparel

  • Hi guys,

    Was excited to stumble upon your site when I made a search for tall slender clothes.

    Rob here, 6’3 @ 195lbs

    But wait ! Only one style of jeans and a handful of t-shirts are offered. Am I seeing this right?

    For a moment I though I had stumbled on a solution to many of my wardrobe troubles ….. the lineup offered here is but only a small taste. Where’s is all the rest of your stuff, or, can you point me to some friends and competitors in your niche that may carry a broader range of items?

    Thanks for the great start!

    - Rob

    Rob Zonney

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