Heights Apparel | The Blog
5 Fun, Interesting Psychological Facts About Tall Men
There are some obvious ways that height impacts our lives. Tall people can reach things that are high up more easily than their shorter peers. They also have a harder time fitting into beds and cars. Here are some fun and interesting psychological facts about tall men you may not have known. -
5 Life Hacks that Every Tall Person Should Know
Life isn’t always easy for tall people. Having height on your side has its advantages, but there are also some disadvantages. To combat the everyday struggles of being tall, here are some fun life hacks that every tall person should know about. -
4 Things that Only Tall Men Can Get Away With
Being tall can have its disadvantages in some areas, such as squeezing through shorter doorways and struggling to find clothes that fit in a normal store. On the other hand, being tall can also have huge advantages. Continue reading to find out some fun facts on what you may be able to get away with as a tall man. -
Ranked Countries of the Tallest People
You may feel like you wish you could live somewhere where you didn’t stand out so much. Well, a nirvana like this may exist. Read to find out about the locations that are home for the tallest people in the world! -
Six Everyday Struggles of a Tall Person
The world is simply not built for tall people. Note the little legroom on airplanes or the lack of quality shoes available for people with big feet (as tall people usually have). We know the hassle that comes with being a tall person trying to live in a world that is not built for our size. Check out these six everyday struggles that every tall person can relate to. -
Six Examples Of Tall People Hilariously Overshadowing Short People
“Do you play basketball?” “How tall are you?” “How’s the weather up there?” “Are your parents tall?” “Wow…you’re really tall!” We get it! People are shocked and surprised (and, we think, just a little bit jealous) of our amazing height. As a tall man, you are used to fielding all types of questions and comments about your height as you go about your daily life. -
5 Fun Facts About Tall Men that Will Make You Love Them (More)
Shout out to all the dudes who regularly field questions like, “How’s the weather up there?” or “Do you play basketball?” or even the most obvious declaration, “Dang… you’re tall!” While life as a tall male can have its annoyances, life up here can be pretty great. There are so many reasons to love tall men, and here are a few more we thought we should share!